
Open – short movie 2014

We released this video in 2014 as everyone wanted to see the movie but we could not fully release it until now. It contains separate extracts from the full-length movie but it’s definitely not a movie summary.

Open is our latest movie shot in 2013 in Israel, where 14 of us coming from 11 different countries, got together in one of the most conflicted places on earth to skate, open our minds and bring some joy to a place living in extreme conflict.

Rider: Ishtar Bäcklund https://www.instagram.com/ishtiish/ from Sweden, Cami Best https://www.instagram.com/camibeast/ from Jamaica/US, Valeria Kechichian https://www.instagram.com/valeriakechichian/ from Argentina/Spain, Jacky Madenfrost https://www.instagram.com/jackymadenfrost/ from Venezuela/Spain, Gina Mendez https://www.instagram.com/soyginamendez/ from Panama, Katie Nielson https://www.instagram.com/kateslynne/ from Canada, Marisa Nuñez https://www.instagram.com/cocomarii/ from Peru/US, Eider Paredes https://www.instagram.com/eiderwalls/  from Spain, Amanda Powell https://www.instagram.com/amandapowellwebber/ from US, Jenna Russo https://www.instagram.com/jennarus/ from Australia, Gádor Salís https://www.instagram.com/gador.salis/ from Spain, Cristina Sánchez https://www.instagram.com/cristinamandarinaa/ from Spain, Micaela Wilson from US and Cindy Zhou https://www.instagram.com/iamcindyzhou/ from US.

Directed by Daniel Etura https://www.danieletura.com

To see the complete movie go HERE