
Valentine’s Push in Philippines review


The  “Valentine Push” is an annual tradition held by longboarders in Cebu and this year LGC Philippines had the honor of hosting the event. Aubrey Bejec (LGC Phil core member) and me were putting it together and had similar ideas on how we wanted to do the event. We agreed to do a cruising, a slide jam and a ‘Best Valentine Attire’ competition. 

The Fuente Osmena circle was the starting point. Riders from all over Cebu showed up wearing their best Valentine’s costumes. The theme was “formal” attire, pretending it was a Valentine’s dinner. 

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We cruised for two hours -almost 15 km- until we reached Cansaga Bay Bridge, the spot where the Slide Jam was going to happen. Most of the attendees decided to show up wearing casual clothes but a lot of them went the extra mile and arrived wearing formal clothes!

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One of the purposes of the Slide Jam was to welcome new riders in our up-growing community and help create awareness regarding safety. Some members of Grupo Nopo were the judges, giving away prizes and safety tips to the beginners. Thanks Ering and Pedro for the love!

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The best part of the night was the ‘Valentine Attire’ contest. Participants would “model” their costumes using their boards as their valentine’s partner. It was really  fun! We were all laughing our hearts out.

I was so happy and surprised with the general outcome of the event! It was a lot of fun and plenty of longboarders joined and enjoyed the night.

Huge thanks to all the sponsors who made all these possible: Driftwood Local Ent, JSS, Fast Time Skateshop, Devilcurve wear & UNITED (Carl Sambrano).

Photo credits to Jonathan Gumabras and Buble Querubin.

See you next Valentine Push. Skate safe!

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Shan Diocera